Back in August of this year I posted a tweet indicating that WooCommerce was powering a 39% share of all online stores according to data gathered by the service BuiltWith.
A quarter later that percentage has grown to an approximate 42% market share which equates to around 1,742,053 stores using WooCommerce according to statistics.

WooCommerce has also overtaken other eCommerce platforms within the Top Million sites with WooCommerce now being the most popular choice with a 21% share.

In the Top 100k section WooCommerce has also taken the lead for the first time with a 17% share.

This only leaves the Top 10k section remaining where Magento currently powers 12% ( 18% if we add in Magento Enterprise ). WooCommerce however has also increased it’s share in this tier and is now up to 10%.

The data above is free to view for anyone and you can see this data in the BuiltWith eCommerce Data section.
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